Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Blogggg - ok i will... out of hoop commitment.
committed to hoop every possible day in 2009. yes!?
Obama began his speech - "i stand here today - humbled"
i felt humbled too by the hoop today. in outflow - working on my knee hooping --
eek - very humbled...
gggrreat tho because a commitment to
controlling the hoop is discipline and reward to me... no doubt...
i'm tripping out a bit because since starting the hoopclasses
twice a week - i'm already stronger in my arms, back, abs - I feel
it!! - and i'm just so stoked - to be teaching - to be working out -
to be pushing more and going for it! I hope everyone is spending the time
to give themselves the hoop love!
i'm so thankful for my 2009 push into more hoop commitment -
and the classes are an amazing help! and thank you to those who've been coming!
I'm going to be posting here - my personal hoop practice / performance / work / class / freestyle / whateverrz / experiences.
Just for fun! I encourage everyone to make a hoop blog that
they can share with their friends and families and hoop peeps.
Show your commitment! pics! videos! experiences in your own hoop blog.

I wannna read!!! I wanna see!!! let's SHARE! POST!!
I'm posting a video from 2 days ago - some slow motion hoop action.... some of my trippy music too!

happy inauguration day ya'll!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I like this. Saw it on Youtube a few days ago and left a comment. Great idea to have a hoop blog too.
