Tuesday, February 24, 2009

more more more

great hOOPCLASS today - thanks Sonie & Cheryl
worked on revolving doors - more floating up / down variations - kicks - passing -
i have so many ideas - just figuring out the progression of concepts -
want to do more group activities -
asked Suzanna Choffel today if we could do a hoop routine for the
Austin Music Awards - I think we're going to go for it -
b/c we'll be performing there - big stage - lots of PEEPS
I've been sick for the last few - but happy to sweat it out today at Alisa's
having SUCH a blast...
and making more hoops too...
updated HOOPCiRCLE.COM last night - able to accept payments for hoops there now...
getting the designs nailed down... more tape on the way...
hoop parties coming up... Spring in Austin! oh bOY! Spring FEVER!
April 4 Hoop-OUT at Central Market -
lots of FUN on the horizon... I think this 2009 is a good year...
regardless of all the FALLOUT around / bad news / tough times.
I'm just not shopping for therapy anymore. it's perfectly fine.

1 comment:

  1. Hoop class was so fun. I just practiced for 20minutes on the grass outside. Beautiful Spring day! Did wild west, booty bump, volvo???? Finally got a little better on the shoulder thing in out-flow using a bigger hoop. Still no LIMBO but I am determined. Taking the hits feels good mentally! M neice got her HOOPY Birthday hoop today. When are the Austin Music Awards? I want to see you perform again!
